Everyone will implement a polls application based on the Django Polls tutorial. You will do this as an interative and incremantal project.

The steps and artifacts for this assignment are:

  1. Vision Statement every project should have this
  2. Start the Project & Write Requirements create your own Github project with a wiki. Write a Vision and Requirements.
  3. Iteration 1 starting with an Iteration Plan (in wiki), and a Github Project as task board, complete the Django tutorial. Commit work on a branch as described in the assignment, then merge the branch into master.
  4. Iteration 2 improve the UI, externalize configuration, and add a poll closing date. Use a task board and git branch as described in assignment.
  5. Iteration 3 add authentication and require a visitor to login in order to vote. An authorized user gets only one vote per poll question, but he can modify and resubmit his vote.