The objective of this iteration is to add an end date to polls, improve the navigation and page layout, and add some useful methods so that views can query a poll using methods instead of testing attributes directly.

Another objective is to externalize data for security and portability.

You will also automate running of tests.


  1. Create an Iteration 2 Plan in your ku-polls wiki and write a plan as you did for Iteration 1.
  2. Add links to “Iteration 2 Plan” in:
    • Home (on wiki)
  3. Review and update these wiki documents:
    • Development Plan
    • Requirements (add any new features)
  4. Create an “Iteration 2” task board and define tasks.
  5. Create an iteration2 branch for your work.
    • First, be sure you have merged all work from iteration1 into master and pushed both branches to Github.
    • Create iteration2 as a branch from master (not iteration1).

New Features

  1. In the Question class, add an end_date attribute that is the ending date for voting.
    • end_date can be null. If it is null, then voting is allowed anytime after pub_date.
  2. Add a default for the pub_date. The default is the current date and time.
    • This doesn’t work: pub_date = DateTimeField( ...,
    • Use a function name without parens instead of the function value so that it is evaluated when the object is created.
  3. Items 1 & 2 change the database schema, so you need to make a migration and apply it (“migrate”).

  4. In the Question class, add two methods:
    • is_published returns True if the current date-time is on or after question’s publication date. Use local date/time, not UTC!
    • can_vote returns True if voting is allowed for this question. That means, the current date/time is between the pub_date and end_date. If end_date is null then can vote anytime after pub_date.
  5. Modify your views code to use these two methods. The view code should not directly test question.pub_date >= something (poor encapsulation).

  6. Write unit tests for is_published. Test these cases:
    • question with future pub date
    • question with the default pub date (now)
    • question with pub date in the past
  7. Write at least 4 unit tests for can_vote.
    • Design 3 tests for different cases. The tests should not be redundant.
    • Use a descriptive name for each test and write a one sentence docstring to describe what you are testing, e.g.
      def test_cannot_vote_after_end_date(self):
       """Cannot vote if the end_date is in the past."""
  8. If someone navigates directly to a poll detail page when voting is not allowed, redirect them to the polls index and show an error message on the index page.
    A visitor can do this by entering the poll URL in his browser, such as http://localhost:8000/polls/k/ (k = poll number)
    • Use the “Django Messages Framework” to set and show the error message. It’s much simpler than passing an error_message via the context. (That’s cludgy and I wonder why the tutorial did that.)
    • Messages Framework document describes how.

Navigating the app’s pages is clumsy. Sometimes a visitor has to use the browser Back button, too! Let’s improve navigation.

  1. If someone goes to the base URL of the web site, such as http://localhost:8000/, redirect them to the polls index page.
    • After the redirect, the visitor’s web browser should show the actual URL (http://localhost:8000/polls/) not the base URL /.
    • Many ways to do this. Have a look at Django’s RedirectView class and RedirectView.as_view() method.
  2. Add links so a visitor to view results without voting.
    • On polls index page, add a “Results” links for each question, so someone can view results without voting.
    • On the poll “detail” page, also add a link to “Results”.
  3. Improve navigation between pages.
    • On the polls detail page, add a “Back to List of Polls” link so visitor can go back to the index.
    • On the voting results page, also add a “Back to List of Polls” link (same text message as above).
    • You can use any intuitive text or icon you like instead of “Back to List of Polls”; but be consistent.
    • Remove the “Vote again” link. A visitor should get only one vote per poll!

Other Enhancements

  1. Improve appearance of the voting results page.
    • Make the votes align in a column
    • Remove the bullets
    • Hint: use an html table instead of bulleted list.
    • Remove the word “votes” after the count (it’s just clutter)
  2. Externalize configuration data in
    • Add python-decouple to your project. Use it to externalize values of these variables in
    • Put the values of those variable in a .env file in your project root directory.
    • Include safe defaults in for every externalized setting, in case a variable is not set in .env.
      # what is a safe default for DEBUG?
      DEBUG = config("DEBUG", cast=bool, default=???)
    • See Externalize Configuration for more info.
  3. Do not commit .env to Git, but do create and commit a sample.env file so that someone knows what they need to set.
    • include helpful comments in sample.env
      # Copy this file to .env and edit the values
      # Create a secret key using (todo: how to create a secret key?)
      SECRET_KEY = secret-key-value-without-quotes
      # Set DEBUG to True for development, False for actual use
      DEBUG = False
      # ALLOWED_HOSTS is a comma-separated list of hosts that can access the app.
      # You can use wildcard chars (*) and IP addresses. Use * for any host.
      ALLOWED_HOSTS = *, localhost,, ::1
      # Your timezone
      TIME_ZONE = Asia/Bangkok
  4. Add correctly-formatted docstring comments to the models and views.
    • Write class docstring and method/function docstring.
    • First line should be a complete sentence.
    • Use flake8 to verify docstrings.


  1. Create a Github Action to automatically run your unit tests.
    • You only need to run using one version of Python (the Github template uses many versions)
    • You may need to include testserver in ALLOWED_HOSTS for the tests to run.
  2. Add a github “badge” to that shows the status of tests.

  3. All tests should pass. They should pass both on Github and when TA runs your code in a virtual env.


Project Artifacts

  • “Iteration 2 Plan” is accurate and complete: GOAL, MILESTONE, FEATURES/WORK
  • Iteration 2 Task Board has tasks covering the work. Most or all are “Done”.
  • Requirements doc is project requirements, not iteration requirements.
  • README has link to Iteration 2 Plan
  • README has Badge showing tests pass on Github


  • sample.env works (either copy to .env or source into the environment)
  • mysite/ externalize and has defaults for:
    • DEBUG
  • python-decouple is in “requirements.txt”
  • migrations run without error
  • loaddata works


  • is_published is correct
  • can_vote is correct
  • both methods have docstring describing what they do and what they return
  • views do not directly test value of question.pub_date


  • all unit tests pass
  • at least 3 tests for is_published
  • at least 4 tests for can_vote

Run the App - Functionality

  • ”/” redirected to “/polls/”
  • “/polls/” page shows poll status: open or closed
  • poll detail page has “Back to Index” or similar
  • can vote
  • polls results page has “Back to Index” or similar
  • link to view poll results without voting
  • cannot vote on closed poll, even using URL bar or HTTP client app