Student submissions are too trivial and too imprecise.

New Assignment: Step-by-step description of Prog 2 Software Development Process


Create a Google Doc describing the process you use a project you perform at least occasionally. It should be a process you do to achieve a specific result.

Submit the Google Doc for this assignment item on Google Classroom.

Write the following:

  • Name of the process
  • Preconditions, if any
  • Activities - brief descriptive name as a noun phrase. You can omit this for a simple process with only 1 activity.
  • Tasks done in each activity - with description what to do. These are small, specific steps.
  • Work product - what is the result of the process?
  • Evaluation criteria - how is the result evaluated?
    • Be honest, if you have an evaluation criteria it should be something that might cause you to reject the result and do it again.


  • Your process description should be well-formatted, clear, complete, and fit on 1 page.
  • Correct English usage and punctuation.
    • Never leave a space before comma, colon, or period. Always leave a space after punctuation symbols unless they are followed by closing parenthesis.


  • Wash a Car
  • Service a Bicycle (if you actually do this)
  • Paint a Room
  • Make a [something you create]

Bad Examples:

  • Practice Piano (no specific end product)
  • Build a Car (too complex, not something you do repeatedly)

What to Submit

  • Submit a link to your Google Doc to the assignmant on Google Classroom.
  • File Name: name of the file should be the name of your process
    • Example: Wash a Car (for the example process given below)


Wash a Car

Author: James Brucker

Preconditions: a car, water supply, and a warm dry day

  1. Preparation
    • park the car in the shade
    • prepare bucket, car wash, sponge, clean rags, optional squeegie
    • put 1 cap of car wash in bucket, add 3-4 L of water allowing foam to form
  2. Wash the Car
    • start from the top, spray water to remove dirt and thoroughly wet surface
    • apply soapy water with sponge to remove all dirt from one area
    • spray water to remove soap and dirt
    • repeat ‘til whole car is clean
  3. Dry the Car
    • wait until the car is partially dry, but still has water drops
    • use clean rags or squeegie to dry the windows and top of car
    • dry other parts of car, working from top to bottom

Product: a clean, dry car

Evaluation Criteria: car should be clean with no dirt or water marks