Please do this before the first week ISP lab.


  1. Join the Google Classroom for this course. Class code is 5zjkval.
  2. Tell us your Github id on this form:
  3. Join our Discord Server. Please add your real name as a nickname on this server.


  1. Update your Github Profile. Please include
    • photo that clearly shows your face. Face should be at least 50% of vertical space.
    • your real name correctly capitalized (“Steve Jobs”) – first name only (“Steve”) or first and last name (“Steve Jobs”) are OK.
    • Not a nickname; Not your Github login.
  2. Install this required software, if you don’t have them:
    • Git including the git command. Download from
    • Python 3.9 or newer. Python 3.11 is recommended.
    • IDE for Python. PyCharm, PyDev (Eclipse), and VS Code are good.
    • OBS Studio, to record your computer screen during coding tests.
    • A good text editor with syntax highlighting, for situations where you want to edit a single text file.

Good Github Profiles

Your Github account is part of your resume. Make it look professional!

Kongpon Github Profile   Siratee Github Profile

Note: you do not need to include your email in your profile, for privacy.