Deadline: 25 Nov, midnight so that teams have time to review & fix problems.

This week, every team should have deployed their application to a cloud service.

URLs are posted in the class projects sheet:

Report Bugs

  1. Google sheet Bug Hunting and
  2. On the project’s Issue Tracker


Try to find defects (bugs) in other teams’ apps, using the cloud-deployed version.

What’s a Defect?

  • Missing & Incomplete Functionality: any feature listed in the team’s project proposal that is missing or incomplete in the actual app.
  • Functionality/correctness: App returns incorrect or invalid data or fails to retain data when it should. “Data” includes what is shown on a web page.
  • Security errors.
    • Disclosure of confidential settings. Can you get it to print the settings on an error page?
    • Data exfiltration, meaning to access data you should not be able to access
    • if you are more ambitious, try fuzz testing (sending random requests)
    • please try SQL Injection or Javascript Injection
  • Authorization errors (a subset of “Security” errors)
    • being able to modify data submitted by someone else
    • access a restricted page without login (“authorization bypass”)
    • you don’t have to use the web UI! Discover what URLs that app uses (including looking at source code) and try submitting GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests direct to those URLs without authorization. This may work well with REST web service urls.
    • try to access the admin account (guess common passwords)
  • Appearance: Mistakes in the UI, including spelling and formatting errors.
  • Navigation errors:
    • Links that don’t work or go to the wrong page.
    • Inability to navigate, such as cannot get back to the main page without using browser Back button (remember KU Polls?). This is a “Usability” error.
    • Any valid request that returns a 404 Not Found response.
  • Apllication Error or Unresponsiveness: anything that causes the app to become unresponsive, return an exception page, or a 5xx status code page.
  • Anything that fails to work.
  • Installation instructions don’t work. You tried to install and run it locally using installation instructions in project’s Github repository, but they don’t work. This includes missing steps.
  • Other perceived problems

Testing and Reporting

  1. Test as many other apps as you want to find defects and earn bug bounties.

  2. Reporting Defects: See instruction on the “Bug Bounty” spreadsheet.

Earn Bug Bounty Points

  • The first person to report each confirmed, unique “bug” or “defect” related to functionality or installation earns 1 point.
  • Security defects earn 2 points.
  • Usability, Appearance, and Other defects earn 1 point if deemed significant by instructor.

The person who finds the most defects will earn an extra 5 points.

Points count as an extra homework score.

Validation by Development Team

Promptly review each issue. Apply a label to the issue (Github lets you add labels to issues).

Development Team apply these labels:

  • Confirmed - if you confirm its a bug that hasn’t been reported before.
  • Duplicate - the issue duplicates another issue. Add a comment like “Duplicates #18” to the issue, and close it.
  • Need Clarification - request for more information is needed, because the problem isn’t clear or you can’t reproduce it. Update the label (Confirmed, Not a Defect, etc.) when you understand the issue.
  • Cannot Reproduce
  • Not a Defect - If the team concludes that its not actually a defect. You should explain why its not a bug in your comment closing the issue.
    • If the bug reporter still believes its a defect, he may reopen the issue once. He may also contact a TA to arbitrate, if necessary.