This is an individual assignment. Install and run another team’s project on your computer according to the instructions on their Github site.

The purpose is to test how accurate, complete, easy to understand, and well written the installation instructions are.

Your feedback will help the team improve their project. Software that other people cannot use doesn’t last long!

You should try to find problems with the installation, and bugs in basic functionality (e.g. can’t view a page, can’t login). The purpose is not detailed testing of the application.

When you apply to a tech company for an internship or job, the company may look at your projects on Github.
A project with a well written README and clear documentation shows attention to detail, and that you care about your work.


Project Testing Assignments

  1. Clone the project you are assigned to test.
  2. Configure it according to the instructions given on the project’s Github site.
    • Try not to ask the team for help.
  3. Run it. Does it show a page? Can you navigate in the app? Any error messages?
    • some features may not work, such as OAuth or a cloud-based database, but the application should run and provide some basic functionality
  4. Report any problems as Github issues, and paste a link to the issue on the Google spreadsheet.
    • your issue should describe the problem. If its an error, describe what command caused the error and include the error message.
    • If you don’t find any problems, write “No” in the “Any issues?” column.
  5. Kinds of things to report:
    • instructions that are incomplete or hard to understand
    • spelling and grammar errors
    • instructions that don’t work or cause errors
    • missing steps in the instructions
    • instructions that require too much work. For example:
      • requiring you to set some variables in instead of using a configuration file like .env
      • requiring you to install MySQL
    • undocumented dependencies or requirements
    • basic functionality that doesn’t work (excluding things like OAuth authentication which typically won’t work on a test system)
    • anything else you think needs improvement

For Teams

  • promptly investigate all issues. If it’s a problem, then fix it and note what you changed as a comment when you close the issue. Thank the person who reported the problem.
  • if something is not a problem, explain why not in the closing comment

If your project really can’t run with a local database, then provide the tester with test credentials (limited privelages) to access your cloud-based database. Configure your cloud-based database to accept connections from the tester’s credentials and location (e.g. limit to KU’s address space 158.108.*.*).