This course is an introduction to programming using Java. It covers fundamental programming programming constructs and the basics of object-oriented programming.

Programming skill is essential for the Software and Knowledge Engineering curriculum. Please try to master the material and earn an ‘A’ in this course.


See Syllabus.

Requirement for Individual Work

All assignments must be done individually, unless group work is explicitly alowed. No copying is accepted, even a small part.

It is OK to discuss design and problems you have, but not to share code. If you need help, please ask the TAs or instructor rather than the other students (who may not give you the correct answer).

Copying == Fail Anyone who submits copied work will receive grade “F” and be reported to Faculty of Engineering for disciplinary action.

Programming Tools You Need

See Resources.

Textbook and Documentation

Assignments use material from these sources:

Online Coding Sites

Course Material

This section refers to material for Jim’s presentations.

Everything is on There are directories for topics or weeks, plus some general files.

Schedule and Links
Material for week2
General Documents