Programming Problems using Arrays

You will submit this assignment using git and Github.


  1. Go to the URL given in class; accept the assignment and create a repository.
  2. Clone the repository to your computer.
    # Change directory to your workspace for Programming 1 labs:
    cmd> cd someplace/workspace
    # Clone the project. This will clone arraylab-yourlogin into a
    # new directory named arraylab.
    cmd> git clone  arraylab
  3. Complete the problems below. Periodically “commit” your work to your local repository.
  4. Test your work. Review your code. Is it well formatted and easy to read?
  5. Push the finished lab to Github:
    cmd> git push
  6. Ask the instructor or TA to review your code! You might get some good ideas for improving it. You can “push” again (and again) if you make changes.

Problem 1:

Complete these methods in the class They are all public static. Some of the methods have array of Object as parameter. That way they can be used for arrays of any kind of object (but not array of primitives).

  1. String[] readArray() - read Strings from the console and return them in an array. Ask the user how many strings, then create an array, and use a loop to read each element from the console. Note that can read words on the same line or different lines – it doesn’t care.
     String[] array = readArray();

    it will ask the user how many strings and then read the strings:

     How many strings to input?  5
     Input 5 strings separated by space or newline:
     Java arrays 
     fixed length

    This example would return:

     array =  ["Java", "arrays", "have", "fixed", "length"]
  2. void printArray(Object[] array) - print the elements of an array, one per line. The parameter is array of Object so it can print array of any kind of Object. Example:
     String[] fruit = {"apple", "banana", "orange"};

    should print:


    How to print an object? Just use System.out.println. Example:

     Object now = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
     System.out.println( now );
     // prints the current date and time
  3. void printUnique(Object[] array) - print the elements of an array one per line, but omit duplicate values. Example:
     // "fig" and new String("fig") are equal, but different objects
     String[] fruit = {"fig", "apple", new String("fig"), "orange", "apple"};

    should print only:


    Hint: To compare two Objects x and y you should: (a) check that they are not null (x != null). (b) If not null, then use x.equals(y) to compare them. Do not use x==y (tests only if x and y refer to same object).

  4. void reverse(Object[] array) - reverse the order elements in the array. This method does not print anything. Example:
     String[] fruit = {"apple", "banana", "orange"};
     // now you should have:
     // fruit = ["orange", "banana", "apple"]

    should print:

  5. Test that reverse and printArray work with other kinds of objects. For example:
     Integer[] numbers = {new Integer(2), new Integer(2), new Integer(50)};
     printArray(numbers);   // prints 50  2  2
     printUnique(numbers);  // prints 50  2

Problem 2:

The Fibonacci numbers are the series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 … defined by the formula:
f[0] = f[1] = 1
f[k] = f[k-1] + f[k-2] for k > 1.

In the Fibonacci class, write these methods:

  1. long[] makeFibonacci(int n) - return an array of the first n Fibonacci numbers. Be careful of the case n=1 (array of size 1).
  2. main - test the makeFibonacci method. You must test at least these cases:
    • makeFibonacci(1) returns an array of size 1 containing [1]
    • makeFibonacci(5) returns an array of size 5 containing [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
    • makeFibonacci(50) returns an array of size 50 and fib[49] is 12,586,269,025.
  3. In makeFibonacci use a good name for the array, not fake.

There is a test method in the class that you can use.

Note: If you want Java to print numbers with “,” (12,345) use the format “%,d”: System.out.printf("%,d", n)

Problem 3:

No lab about arrays would be complete without some linear algebra problems! Write these public static methods in the ArrayMath class:

  1. dotProduct(a, b) - compute the dot-product of two arrays of double. It should return a double value. If the lengths of a and b are different, compute the dot-product using the smaller length. Example:
    double[] a = {2, 5, 8};
    double[] b = {3, -1, 10};
    double prod = dotProduct(a, b);  // prod = 2x3 + 5x(-1) + 8x10 = 81.
    double[] c = {4, 20};
    prod = dotProduct(a,c);  // prod = 2x4 + 5x20 = 108, since c is shorter
  2. saxpy(double a, double[] x, double b, double[] y) - SAXPY means “Scalar A*X Plus Y”. It is a widely used linear algebra operation. saxpy returns a new array of double containing the vector product a * x + b * y.
    double[] x = {2, 7, 8};
    double[] y = {6, 0, 10};
    double[] z = saxpy(2.0, x, -1.0, y);
    System.out.println("z = " + Arrays.toString(z) );
    // prints z = [-2, 14, 6]
  3. norm(double[] a) - return the Euclidean length of double vector a. It is the square root of the sum of squares of elements: Math.sqrt(a0^2 + a1^2 + a2^3 …). Hint: To compute the square of x, x*x is faster than calling Math.pow()!
    double[] a = {3.0, 4.0};
    double z = norm(a);  // is 5.0
    double[] b = {2.0E6, 3.0E6, 5.0E6};
    double big = norm(b); // is 6.164414E+6
  4. double min(double[] x) return the minimum value in array x.
  5. int argmin(double[] x) return the index of the element in x which has the smallest value. For example:
    double[] x = {5.0, 3.0, 0.1, 2.98E+8};
    int n = argmin(x);   // n = 2
  6. long[] makePrimes(int howMany) - return an array containing the first howMany prime numbers. The first prime number is 2 (not 1, sorry). Hint: Suppose you are using a loop k=3,5,7,… to search for prime numbers and have already found primes p[0], p[1]…, p[n]. To test if k is prime, you only need to test if k can be divided by p[0], p[1]…, p[n].
    long[] primes = makePrimes(5);
    System.out.println("First 5 prime numbers are:");
    // you could use a for-each loop here
    for(int j=0; j<primes.length; j++) System.out.println(primes[j]);

    Should print:

    First 5 prime numbers are:
  7. Use the ArrayMathTest class to test your code. This class contains some tests for each method. They should all pass (of course).

Problem 4:

A Palindrome is a word or phrase that is the same when read left-to-right and right-to-left. These words are palindromes:

Mom   (uppercase and lowercase letters are same)
I     (any single letter is a palindrome)

For phrases, ignores spaces between words. These are palindromes:

race car
Do geese see God
กา ฝาก

Write these static methods:

  1. boolean isPalindrome(String word) - returns true if the parameter is a palindrome, false otherwise.
    Hint: The String class has some methods that may help:
    • replaceAll(old,new) replaces the old value with the new value, and returns the result as a string: s = "i love space".replaceAll(" ",""); returns “ilovespace”.
    • toLowerCase() returns a copy of the string in lowercase.
    • toCharArray() splits a String into array of char. char[] c = "hello".toCharArray() returns [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’] (array of char).
  2. main - ask user to input a phrase and then tells him whether or not it is a palindrome. Loop until user enters a blank line.
     Enter a blank line to quit.
     Enter a phrase:  mom
     mom is a palindrome
     Enter a phrase:  dog
     dog is not a palindrome
     Enter a phrase:  Race car
     Race car is a palindrome
     Enter a phrase: [Enter]