Preparation: Install Git, Create Github Account

  1. Install git on your computer.
  2. Run these git commands in a command window (aka a terminal or shell) to verify git is working on your computer:
    cmd>  git --version
    git version 2.14.x (your version may be different)
    cmd>  git help config
    (prints a help message for how to use "git config")
  3. Add your name and email: Before you can use Git with Github or Bitbucket you must tell git who you are. This info is included in commit messages.
    Enter these commands (just one time) on your local computer:
    cmd>  git config --global "Your Name"
    cmd>  git config --global ""
    cmd>  git config --list
    (shows the config values)

    You can change this info anytime by running git config again.
    Points Deducted: If I find commits by you on Github with missing/bogus info, points will be deducted from the assignment.

  4. Create an account on Github. Complete your Github profile:
    • Your full name in English, with proper case of letters, e.g. Bill Gates (not “bill gates”).
    • A photograph clearly showing your face.
    • Your KU-Gmail address.
    • (Optional) Write a profile about yourself.
    • Example last year OOP students: Jirayu and Kongpon (they both got “A” in OOP2)
    • Employers look at your Github account, so do a good job! For example:

Problem 1: Complete this Sign-up Form

Answer these questions: Git Sign-up (
Your score is based on completeness information in your Github account.

Problem 2: Create a Git Repo for Homework 1 and Push it to Github

Use Git to submit your SKE Restaurant code to Github. On Github, the repository must be named ske-restaurant.

  1. Find your project for Homework 1 (“SKE Restaurant”, elab 10).
  2. Create a git repository in that directory by running git init.
  3. Create a file describing the project. It must contain at least this info:
     # SKE Restaurant
     by Your Name
     A command line interface for a simple food ordering application.
     (Add more info about your project.)
  4. Add to the repository: a), b) .gitignore, c) your source code (src) directory:
     cmd> git add .gitignore src
  5. Commit the files to the repository using git commit -m "initial code checkin".
  6. On Github create an empty repository named ske-restaurant. (Must be empty.)
  7. Back in your local project, add the Github ske-restaurant repo as a “remote” repository and “push” your repository to Github:
     cmd> git remote add origin
     cmd> git push -u origin master
  8. In a web browser, view your project on Github.
    • Is the Github repository named ske-restaurant?
    • Are all the source files there (in a src/ dir)?
    • Does it have a
    • Is the formatting of correct?

Note: your local project name can be different from the Github repository name. Git doesn’t care. But the Github repository must be named ske-restaurant.


Please complete a Git tutorial. There will be a Git Quiz which may include anything from these tutorials.

  1. Learn more about git:
  2. Using Git on Github.