Presentation: Software Reviews

Benefits of Code Review

  • Find defects including coding and logic errors, security vulnerabilities
  • Better code quality - implementation, readability, uniformity, and (as a result) maintainabiility
  • Find better solutions by sharing ideas
  • Knowledge Transfer between team members - technology used & rationale. A good way for more experienced developers to share knowledge.
  • Increase Collective Ownership of code

Code Review versus Testing

Code Eeviews find 60-70% of latent defects, versus 30-40% discovery for testing.

A latent defect is an error in the code that has not yet resulted in a mis-function of the program because the conditions (inputs, environment, state of the software, etc.) to activate the defect haven’t occurred.

Latent Defect in a Self-Driving Car

A self-driving car comes to a red light and there is a truck with a big green light (that is brighter) on the other side of the intersection. The software thinks it’s a green traffic light and goes through the intersection.

This defect doesn’t appear until those conditions actually occur. So it’s latent… and may not be tested for!

  • Testing often discovers coding errors and deviations from the specification

  • Code review discovers problems related to maintainability or failure to meet requirements

  • Code review is more effective for finding security vulnerabilities, provided that reviewers look for them!

Kinds of Code Review

  1. Self Review the developer carefully reads and reviews his own code. Some guidelines:
    • take a break between writing code and reviewing it
    • be mentally “fresh”. Don’t review at the end of a day’s work
    • plan what you will review for: code defects? standards defects? security issues?
    • use a separate reading for different review purposes. If you combine too many objectives in one reading you will miss many problems.
    • use a checklist and guidance
    • record errors you find, but finish the reading before you try to fix them
  2. Desk Check ask another developer to review your code (at his desk). Informal and useful to find defects and get ideas for improvement.

  3. Walk Through code review meeting with a small number of people, where one person presents or “walks through” the code line by line, while others look for defects, ask questions, and share ideas for alternate implementations.
    • Reviews should try to understand the code
  4. Pair Programming one person writes code while the other reviews and “navigates”. Maybe not a “review” since it occurs at time of creation.

  5. Regular change-based reviews whenever new code is committed to the code repository it is reviewed and approved by other team members. This can be done remotely.
    • change-based reviews should have specific goals and be done as carefully as desk check
    • Pull Requests are example
  6. Formal Inspection or Code Review a methodical review of artifacts (often using printouts) by a group, for the purpose of finding defects.
    • Reviewers must prepare for inspection by reviewing the code individually before, and record issues and questions.
    • One person acts as moderator, to facilitate an orderly meeting, make sure everyone has chance to speak, and ensure issues receive rapid follow-up and closure
    • Defects are acknowledged, refuted, or marked for further study during the inspection.
    • A written record is created. It describe who participated, what was inspected, a list of defects or issues found with line numbers, and follow up status.
    • The code author must follow up on all issues and respond to each.
    • Reviewers subsequentally approve the author’s resolution to each issue, or ask (with explanation) for further investigation

Effective Review Rate

The rate depends on the programming language, experience of reviewers, and other factors.

In general should be at most 200 - 300 lines per hour. Wikipedia has 200-400 lines/hr, but other sources cite 300 as upper limit, based on studies.

If you review too fast then you will overlook defects or lose opportunity to share understanding of the code.


A checklist will make your code reviews more consistent.

Good checklists:

Good Checklists From ISP Students:

Advise for Reviewers and Reviewees

Thoughtbot describes how to approach code reviews and communicate effectively.

During reviews:

  • Question, don’t criticize.
  • If you must criticise, criticize code not people.
  • Try to see the author’s perspective. Assume he had a reason for each thing.
  • Be humble.
  • Be explicit in writing, so others can clearly understand what you mean.
  • Avoid hyperbole (“always”, “never”, “useless”); don’t use sarcasm.

For authors of code under review:

  • Don’t take it personally. Review is about code, not you.
  • Be grateful for suggestions.
  • Assume best intention of reviewers.
  • Be humble.
  • Try to respond to every comment, and explain the code.

Best Practices

Recommended practices from professionals:

All links in the file Code Review Best Practices.


  • Notebook (paper) - probably the best tool to get started.
  • Wiki page or Google Docs page - part of your project documentation.
  • Gerrit tool for online code review, integrates with git.
  • Review Board a web-based code review tool from MIT.
    • free if self-hosted, monthly fee if used as a hosted service
    • reviewboard on Github
  • Pull Requests on Github. Comment & respond online, reference lines of code in comments.

Important Security Vulnerabilities

Code Reviews should look for security vulnerabilities including:

  • format string errors and exploits
  • using or displaying unsanitized user input
  • race conditions, where behavior may depend on timing of events
  • memory leaks (probably not an issue in Python)
  • buffer overflows

