
Read about Software Process in either of the books below (your choice), then answer the online questions about software process. Both of these contain a good general description of software process.

  • Software Processes - Summerville, Chapter 2 from Software Engineering, 9E, by Ian Summerville.
    • short, concise description of software process models and activities
    • the PDF includes Chapters 1 - 3 for those interested in learning more about Software Engineering. You only need Chapter 2 to answer the questions.

or this (has more detail):


Online questions are posted on Google Classroom.

Resources to Learn More

  • Process Models, chapter 2 from Pressman Software Engineering: A Practioner’s Approach, 7E, a slightly more abstract introduction to software processes than Schach or Summerville’s books. Pressman’s book is very highly rated.

  • Software Development Processes and Methodologies, free online course on Coursera. A good overview of the activities in a software process, by the University of Minnesota. Good advise on developer habits, too.
  • This course is part of a 4-course series by U.M. that looks quite interesting.

  • Managing the Development of Large Software Systems by Winston Royce (1970). The original, classic article describing the waterfall model – and very short. Royce didn’t call it “waterfall”! When you read it, you’ll see that most people don’t understand Royce’s model.